Take Back the Court’s new study argues that Chief Justice John Roberts’s reputation for moderation is not warranted by his judicial record.

His votes and opinions reveal that Roberts is neither a moderate nor a swing vote, but rather a staunch conservative. Original data, never before reported, show that Roberts has been one of the most conservative justices since joining the Supreme Court in 2005 and that there is almost no partisan difference distinguishing Justices Roberts, Gorsuch, Alito, Roberts, and Scalia.

In 42 split-decision cases that the Chief Justice has presided over involving racial minorities, immigrants, workers and abortion, he voted for conservative outcomes 100 percent of the time.


"Chief Justice Roberts is the extreme, right-wing leader of an extreme, right-wing majority, which is rapidly turning the court into little more than a partisan extension of the Republican Party."

Aaron Belkin & Sean McElwee, New York Times


Take Back the Court’s new study argues that Chief Justice John Roberts’s reputation for moderation is not warranted by his judicial record.



Read the full report here: